“Oreo Takes Over the Last Blockbuster
to celebrate the Return of Oreo Cakesters”

People Magazine

client: oreo




agency: the community


new york // 2022

{ campaign: it’s 2008 all over again }

{ IT’S 2007 All OVER AGAIN }

Oreo Cakesters was originally launched in 2007. Fans have been asking for their return for 10 years. So when they finally came back in 2022, we relaunch them in the only place where’s still 2007: The Last Blockbuster on Earth.

>>> store takeover

{ We took over the store - co-branded the store sign, replaced the movie posters on the windows and walls, and replace the movies on the shelves with custom-made OREO Cakesters movies and movie artwork }

>>> 6 movies genders VHS

{ We partnered with six unique artists to bring the idea to life in true Blockbuster form; VHS boxes and movie posters were given to store customers and influencers. }


34.300.000 EARNED MEDIA


34.300.000 EARNED MEDIA • 309.000.000 MEDIA IMPRESSIONS •