“These ‘Shamecards’ are frightening
reminders of the legacies of mass shootings”
client: change the ref
agency: mullenlowe
boston // 2021
{ campaign: shamecards }
How do you want to be remembered? That’s the question Change The Ref is asking with Shamecards: a unique collection of postcards that show how a lack of gun laws is changing this country. Each card allows you to tell Congress how you want your state to be remembered.
>>> 50 postcards
{ The campaign also features out of home in Los Angles, Miami, and New York }
>>> shamecards.org
{ With just a few clicks, you could pick your postcard, select your congressman and have your voice heard. }
>>> sent directly to congress
U.S. Congresswoman Katherine Clark
14.000.000 EARNED MEDIA
1.500.000.000 MEDIA IMPRESSIONS • 14.000.000 EARNED MEDIA •
>>> from coast to coast
Los Angeles
{ To increase awareness, we spread displays with our postcards across the United States. }
New York
>>> postcards into book
{ We compiled the postcards into a book and sent them to influencers. }